
Blink-182 please tell me why lyrics
Blink-182 please tell me why lyrics

blink-182 please tell me why lyrics

I know I am so so glad I made it to a place where life isn't necessarily easier, but now I recognize the lie when I hear it pop into my head. You are loved you are worthy you ARE MEANT TO BE HERE ! Even if you are not sure where your place is right now, I promise you you do have a purpose and reason to move forward through this dark time of your life. Please anyone reading this feeling this way I beg you ! Don't give up!! Don't believe the lies. I have been there, and I know I would do just about anything for anyone feeling the way I once did to pull them out of the darkness, to stop believing the devils lies that he loves to whisper in all of our ears.

blink-182 please tell me why lyrics blink-182 please tell me why lyrics

Ashley from Central FlI am so sad to hear the hurting and broken hearts responding to this.

Blink-182 please tell me why lyrics